  • Tips on How to Use Rogaine

  • To get the best results you should use Rogaine twice a day, everyday. Ideally this should be done after your morning shower and before you go to bed.

  • Rogaine works best when it is in foam form. If you notice that the foam begins to melt when it comes into contact with your fingers, try rinsing off your fingers in ice cold water before touching the foam. Make sure to dry your hands off first!

  • In the evening, follow the steps above to be sure you apply Rogaine correctly. Make sure that you apply it early enough before going to bed to allow it to dry completely.

  • To get the best results from Rogaine use you must use it correctly, twice a day, and every day. Using more than that, or applying it more often will not improve results.

  • If you skip an application, do not try to make up for it. Simply return to your twice-a-day schedule.

  • Apply it to the dry hair. This allows maximum penetration.

  • While using Rogaine, you can continue other hair care routines, including washing and styling. However, be gentle to your scalp. Use a mild shampoo. Many conditioners weigh down the hair. So if you use one, be sure it is light, and rinse it out completely. Harsh shampoos or conditioners can dry the scalp and make it more susceptible to rash or itching. Wait 20-25 minutes after application to use the styling aids like gels.

  • If you're concerned about scalp irritation don’t use Rogaine on the same days that your hair is colored or treated with chemicals.

  • Swimming or showering: Wait 4 hours after applying Rogaine before you go swimming or showering.